Monday, October 18, 2004

I've not been writing much primarily because I've had a ongoing headache for several weeks now. Over the past weekend, I spend Friday nite with my daughter, watching television and helping with her homework. That was fun - really. She is pretty self-sufficient and seldom asks my advice, so it was fun to spend the evening with her, talking about school, her plans for after graduation, etc.

Then Saturday I spent with my youngest and his friends, coaching their Bible quiz team in a competition in Lancaster , Ohio. They did pretty well, even if several of them haven't studied as much as they need to. Then, Saturday evening, I was on my own for a couple of hours, then kids started coming home from their various activities and I was up until 2 am or so waiting on them.
Sunday, due to the headache, I slept a lot of the afternoon.
This week, we celebrate my wife's birthday (tomorrow).
So, not very exciting lives, but we keep busy.

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