Thursday, November 18, 2004

This has been a week of stress and pain. My wife learned some info about a friend that resulted in her being upset. Then we learned some info about one of our kids that frightened and discouraged us. Then another of the kids was being secretive, trying to keep us from reacting badly to something he was doing. Then it has been raining several days, work is stressful... one of the kids from my teen Bible quizzing has found that school is stressing her out so she has quit the team right before a competition.

While several of these things sound perhaps unimportant, there are many aspects to them which I'm not sharing publically since they, for the most part, involve others, and even when it involves me, there are parts of my life about which I'm more private.
However, the reality of things is that I'm under a lot of stress. I was talking to my eldest son yesterday, and he started to make a comment about how he couldn't understand how one of the other kids could act a particular way... and then he stopped. I made some remark about how 'well, they are [a teenager] - you were the same way at your age'?

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