Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well, election day was yesterday. I first tried to vote at 6:30 am. But the lines were quite long - probably 30-50 people - and that would result in me waiting for at least an hour or more and I was wanting to get to work by 7 or 7:30. So I left with the intent on coming back at 4. During the day, I got a request from my daughter to pick her up from the public library at 5pm, so she could get ready for work. No problem, I thought. At 4:05 pm I arrived at my polling place, and the lines were not out the door and around the corner, which I took to be a good sign.

However, it turned out that there were quite a number inside the building. I finished voting and was back in my car by 4:55 pm. 50 minutes seemed like a long time to me - particularly since I had forgotten to take something to read or play with me. So I just listed to my mp3 player and chilled.

I was able to get the daughter near the pickup time and everything worked out relatively well .

Now, being in Ohio, we won't know the results of our voting for probably another 2 weeks. What a drag that is.

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