Saturday, January 01, 2005

Another year begins

Well, it's New Year's Day. Last nite, some of us (the younger boys, my wife and I) spent the evening with the Oates - friends from church. This year, few adults made it over to spent it with us. And we just sat and talked, whereas in the past we've always played games and stuff.
But we had fun, drank bubbly fruit juice at midnight, and went home soon after because our friends had a trip to take today.

This morning, I whipped up some breakfast, began the Christmas thank you note writing - which there isn't much of, given that we didn't get much this year - and put some hot dogs on to cook.
We won't have much to snack on this year due to various frustrating situations that never seem to give us a break.

I'm really sore - I spent nearly the whole day yesterday on my feet, with only a few minutes of break - helping work on the neighborhood cleanup. The younger boys and my wife helped - there were a half dozen or more trailers of branches hauled away, as well as several hundred dollars of firewood cut up. And yet, there is still a lot more to do. I don't know if I am going to make it or not. I really need to get to the doctor about my abdomen pains - but I also can't afford to ignore this work after all that's happened.

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